News list for " paulgrewal"



2025-02-21 21:28:46
Coinbase Chief Legal Officer: Bitcoin Could Become the Foundation of the Global Economy Like Gold

Coinbase's chief legal officer, Paulgrewal.eth, said in a post on the X platform that bitcoin could become the foundation of the global economy like gold, and will become the core of national security, because bitcoin holdings can change the balance of power between countries. Now is the time to build a strategic reserve of BTC.

2025-01-18 07:47:08

Coinbase首席法律官paulgrewal.eth在X平台发文表示,比特币可能像黄金一样成为全球经济的基础,并将成为国家安全的核心,因为比特币的持有量可以改变国家之间的力量平衡。现在是时候建立 BTC 战略储备了。

2025-01-18 07:47:08
The U.S. Third Circuit Court Approves Coinbase Writ of Enforcement, Ordering SEC to Revisit Crypto Rulemaking Petition

Coinbase's chief legal officer, Paulgrewal.eth, said in a post on the X platform that Coinbase has just won a petition for a writ of mandamus in the Third Circuit. The court rejected the Securities Exchange Commission's (SEC) order to dismiss its rulemaking petition, which means the SEC must reconsider Coinbase's request and provide a stronger reason why they refused to develop clear rules regarding cryptocurrencies. The judge held that "the SEC's order is conclusive, ill-founded, and therefore ...

2025-01-14 06:06:49

Coinbase首席法律官paulgrewal.eth在X平台发文表示,Coinbase 刚刚在第三巡回法院赢得了强制令状(a writ of mandamus)的请愿书。法院驳回了美国证券交易委员会(SEC)驳回其规则制定请愿的命令,这意味着 SEC必须重新考虑Coinbase的请求,并提供更充分的理由来解释为什么他们拒绝制定有关加密货币的明确规则。 法官认为“SEC 的命令是结论性的,理由不足,因此是任意和反复...

2025-01-14 06:06:49
Coinbase Wins Interlocutory Leave to Appeal SEC Securities Charges to Second Circuit

Coinbase Chief Legal Officer Paulgrewal.eth said in a post on the X platform that U.S. Judge Failla granted Coinbase's motion for interlocutory appeal and suspended the district court's lawsuit. This is a major legal victory for Coinbase and means Coinbase will be able to appeal the SEC's charges against it to the Second Circuit Court. The SEC previously alleged that Coinbase violated federal securities laws by operating as an unregistered exchange and broker-dealer, and by illegally selling unr...

2025-01-08 03:57:24

Coinbase 首席法律官 paulgrewal.eth在X平台发文表示,美国法官 Failla 批准了 Coinbase 提出的中间上诉动议,并暂停了地方法院的诉讼。这对 Coinbase 来说是一次重大的法律胜利,意味着 Coinbase 将可以就 SEC 对其提出的指控向第二巡回法院提起上诉。 SEC 此前声称 Coinbase 通过作为未注册交易所和经纪自营商运营,以及通过其质押计划非法出售未注册证券,违反了联邦证券法。

2025-01-08 03:57:24
Coinbase Chief Legal Officer: I hope the SEC will stop prosecuting cryptocurrencies and start formulating rules

"Hopefully the SEC understands what happened in the election," Paulgrewal.eth, Coinbase's chief legal officer, said in a social media post. "On many, many issues, voters have said loudly and clearly that they want change. Cryptocurrencies are no exception. Stop suing cryptocurrencies and start talking to them. Start making rules now, there's no reason to wait any longer."

2024-11-07 11:01:10


2024-11-07 11:01:10
Coinbase responds to concerns about cbBTC's terms of service: If an exchange loses the underlying bitcoin, Coinbase will compensate customers in full

Coinbase Chief Legal Officer Paul Grewal responded to a recent FUD surrounding the terms of service for users of Coinbase's newly launched "bitcoin encapsulated" product cbBTC, confirming that Coinbase will compensate customers in full if the exchange loses the underlying bitcoin. The clarification comes after someone pointed to a worrying clause in the cbBTC user agreement that states that if the exchange loses the underlying bitcoin due to malicious activity or...

2024-09-23 08:45:07


2024-09-23 08:45:07
Coinbase Chief Legal Officer: Responded to SEC's move to prevent Gensler from conducting a reasonable investigation

Paulgrewal.eth, Coinbase's chief legal officer, said in a social media post, We have responded to the SEC's decision to prevent Mr. Gensler from conducting a reasonable investigation, a case that the SEC, not Coinbase, chose to bring. Democracy and due process both die in darkness. We thank the court for its serious consideration of this matter.

2024-07-04 09:54:45


2024-07-04 09:54:45
Coinbase Chief Legal Officer: SEC Blocks Coinbase Request to Expose Gary Gensler Communication Files

Coinbase Chief Legal Officer Paulgrewal.eth posted on the X platform that both Chevron and Binance's secondary sales issues have been clarified, but in the Coinbase lawsuit, the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) blocked Coinbase's request to expose Gary Gensler's communication files. In March 2021, Gary Gensler told the US Congress that the SEC lacks regulatory authority over digital asset exchanges, confirming the long-held view of market participants that digital asset transactions traded o...

2024-06-29 14:29:47
Coinbase首席法务官:美SEC阻止Coinbase要求曝光Gary Gensler通信文件

Coinbase首席法务官Paulgrewal.eth在X平台发文称,Chevron和币安二级销售问题都已明确,但在Coinbase的诉讼案中美国证券交易委员会(SEC)却阻止Coinbase要求曝光Gary Gensler通信文件。2021 年 3 月,Gary Gensler告诉美国国会,SEC缺乏对数字资产交易所的监管权,这证实了市场参与者长期以来的观点,即在这些交易所交易的数字资产交易不属于证券法的管辖范围。Coinbase已要...

2024-06-29 14:29:47